Retired Parents

The Doodle that started it all!

Greddy Mae
Daughter of Ella and Archie.

Oliver Reid

Daughter of Greddy and Oliver
Picture coming soon!

Macey Quinn
A gem from Galena Goldendoodles.
Full sister of our Ella.

Daughter of Greddy and Guinness.

Ruby Blaze
Blaze lives in a guardian home with our retired mom, Pepper. She weighs approximately 30 pounds and is mother to our mini/medium puppies. Blaze is fun and spunky and also likes to sit and read with her guardian mom. Her coloring is unique and beautiful, and we hope to get some beautiful abstracts with her future puppies!
Blaze's genetic panel is Clear. Her hips are OFA rated Good and she is negative for elbow dysplasia. Patellas and heart are also OFA normal. Eyes were also certified normal via CAER exam by a veterinary opthamologist.
Genetic Test Results
CAER Test Results
OFA Test Results


More information coming soon!

Future mom, daughter of Blaze and Remmy! More information to come.

Aerial weighs about 20 pounds and is a mom to our mini Goldendoodles. She lives with her guardians in Bernard, IA where she enjoys running around on their farm and going on relaxing vacations on their down time. She is a very easy-going dog who is all about loving on her humans!
Aerial's genetic panel is all clear with the exception of having one copy of CDDY. She has her PennHIP scores, which are .33 and .37 and indicate no evidence of OA for either hip. Per the OFA, Aerial's elbows, patellas, and heart are also healthy and she has passed her CAER eye exam.

Remmy is a playful and adorable Goldendoodles Forever dad! He weighs 22 pounds and is Dad to our mini litters.
Remmy has an all clear genetic panel, OFA hips that are rated Good, and normal OFA's for elbows, knees, and heart. His CAER results also passed.
Genetic Test Results
OFA Test Results

Eclipse weighs about 20 pounds and will be mom to our mini Goldendoodles. She lives with her guardians in Dubuque, IA. She, like her sister Aerial, is a very easy-going dog who is happy to be loved on all day long!
Eclipse's genetic panel is all clear with the exception of having one copy of CDDY. She has her PennHIP scores, which are .39 and .44 and indicate no evidence of OA for either hip. Per the OFA, Eclipse's elbows, patellas, and heart are also healthy and she has passed her CAER eye exam.